Sunday, May 30, 2010

shhh.... mommy's story

Mommy loves me so much. *I knew that*

During her pregnancy, I used to hear her silent voice,
whispering softly to her small womb, HEHE

"Thank you for choosing this life baby,
Though it's not as easy as what people always thought,
Life is beautiful baby,
Mommy and daddy would be thankful always,

For you the chosen ones,

Stay there till the time comes,
No worries,
as Mom and Dad are always here waiting with open arms.

Mommy had never failed talking to me,
Everyday ever since she knew there was another life living in her womb,
I heard her sharing her experiences with her friends with laughter,
Mommy would shed tears sometimes,
I don't understand why,
Or maybe I would, one day.

O yeah! I have arrived into this world,
safe and sound.

The MOST person that I see is her,
She always put me in her arms,
dancing and singing with her.
I could see her smile sweetly,
when I giggled at her.

...and I,
I just loves mommy's arm, it's warmth and comfort.

huh! see that Onton, selalu mau pok silap!


Okay, for my next post, I will tell you about my grandparents,
they missed me! *me too*

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I wanna watch Toy Story 3

Dad & I are always thrilled every time we watched cartoons. *believe me*
Poor dad, he has to behave excited as if the movie really excites him hehe.

watching cartoon at the hospital

Dad has discovered about my excitement while watching Tom & Jerry.
Who knows ended up, mom is the one who stayed up and finish the movie. HAHAHA.
Not only ONCE, but few times..., if I'm not mistaken, so many times. *geee*
Mom is very good in re-acting their dialogues,
even can memorise very well on how's Tom hates Jerry,
how's Jerry did all the spontaneous of stupidity just to protect himself from Tom, oh mom!

Dad had bid farewell to his MOVIE channel in our astro package,
and give a big WELCOME to Disney/cartoons channels.
Channel 611-615, OMG I'm soooo touched... thank you dad.
"It's okay baby, my sports channel is still safely kept"
That's my dad.

Dad, I always wanted to go to cinema. But mom always said it's cold inside there.
But this morning mom silently whispered into my ear,
"Baby, we gotta watch Toy Story 3 for free!"

Wow! I just can say, uh-ah-uh-ah, *translation: I want! I want!*
I love to see movements, colours changed, things flying.
Then mom told me what is the movie about, I don't really understand. *yawning*
But I captured few characters that interests me.

it's reminds me of myself.. chak!

it's reminds me on Memex

and this mr.pricklepants, reminds me on onton

Mommy said, I need to learn. Okay.
For my age, I don't read alphabet but I learn through environment and experience to make my learning skills better. Mom said, I am on the fast lane and easily bored with the same routine, so mom and dad need to crack idea to distract me. Music, movies, pictures - they think that would be great for me.

I hope toy story 3 will enhance my learning skills thou. It has the combination of the three.
Oh you might be wondering on who is Memex? or Onton? They're my partners in crime hehe.. spot them bottom here.
Easy to spot which is Memex and which one is Onton right?

so nuffnang, count me in ya!
That is this blog post for. I am going to get the tickets for dad and mom.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

luisa marise

She likes to scream whenever she gerigitan on something. I can take it anyway.
She has a wrinkled forehead whilst sleeping. She looks cute anyway.
She is a hyperactive baby. I still love her anyway.

Well readers, I would like to introduce to you my little god-sister.


nampak jajal kan muka dia ni?Tapi kiut kan?

Her parents named her Luisa Marise. It's a saint's name from Italy.
A child of mixed marriage, dad is an Indian from Malacca and Mom is a Kenyah from Sarawak.
Oh yeah she has a blog! You can read her here.

god-papa Terence, god-mama Martha, god-sister Luisa and me :-)

We meet over the weekends, for church and makan-makan.
Sometimes she drops by to my house, or the other way around.
My parents and hers have a very close relationship.
That's the correct answer on why they exchange me and her as their god-child.

picture taken during my baptism

God-papa dear, I have fulfilled your wish hehehe...
but mom only have these very limited photos of us.
...and god-papa, ask Luisa to update her blog please. Thank you ya!

am I jealous? no i'm not!

Okay, mommy will write more about Luisa and me.
Our parents have the same wishes.
To educate us.
To see us grow.
To see us fruitful.
And scratch every moment in our blogs.
So that one day,
we are able to read all the journeys that we have gone through.

...little bloggers in our little tiny world...

my day out

Sunday morning.


Oh it's Sunday! *writhing*
Mommy... i want my nenen. *Turned to right side and..., it's yummy!*
I know, breastfeeding is one of mom's passions. I always wanted to be fully breastfeed, furthermore, it's a great time = bonding time between me and her. The taste? It's tasteless, I am not kidding okay...but, I just love it, hehe.

*Small burp**writhing again*

Where is daddy? *turned to my left side*
Oh my God this BIG GIANT is sleeping nicely, so cuteee my dad. I am a baby giant then, *chuckling*

Come on daddy, it's 10am now. wake up!wake up!
Mommy please help me to get hold of him.

Me: uh-uh-uh.
*Translation:good morning daddy. I love you!*

Daddy: good morning sayang. *half asleep*
*my dad is sooooo cool. he can understand me*

Me: ah-ah-ah, brrr
*Translation: daddy!daddy! wake up!It's time to play*

Daddy: ump!ump! *close his mouth tightly*

Me: huh?! you seems so tired, OK-lah.

Me: uh-uh-uh, brrr
*Translation: mommy, let's play*

Mommy: ambik ni, na-nah buaaa,ki-kik-buaaaa, *doii, buring ni mami*
*fly the thing towards me, the sameeeee thing*

Mom used to say this to dad, "Non, ambik tu panyangat kasi charm-charm",
and my dad will reply her,
"bukan panyangatlah, butterfly bah tu!"

well, whatever lah-kan?. me? I love to eat them! hehe.

I am tired now, enough of playing, bonding time again, i want my mommy... a minute later I'm lost in my dreams in mom's arm.

Sunday afternoon.

A bit moody.
Dad drove us to LCCT. To fetch my aunty muda.
She came here with her HOT boyfriend for his convocation.
, Onton and Memex sure happy and ondols...

sweeeeeeet couple!

Sunday evening.

Finished all the convocation matters in UiTM. We then headed to mama tua's house. She loveeee me, and always got prezies for myself. I don't really fancy the blue dress but I likeee the teeter. Thank you mama tua. Gigi eh gusi sia gatal bah!

Daddy decided to take me out whilst mommy was so excited to cook her rebung masak lemak udang. Greedy oh this mommy. We just went for jalan-jalan around mama tua's taman and brought her along.

tadaa... SHAUNA FAUSTINA. Mama tua's baby!

Silently I pity Onton & Memex. I just wonder what are they doing at home now?
but nevermind them!

While we are walking, I saw...
alamak daddy! mo hujan ooo...

but no worries, daddy is clever:-) Sediakan payung sebelum hujan.

We had a great time, fun and I saw lots..lots of things.

I even got the chance to play this. Hello, I am just 5.5-month okay!

buai laju-laju, tolonglah jangan laju, perut saya geli!

We had dinner at mama tua's house, mommy the godoot had her rebung masak lemak udang. *sigh*. Rebung, udang & takob-akob are brought all the way from KK.

Headed back home quite late that night.

I am tired mom.

I am tired dad.

That night I had running nose again.

A bit cranky.

But the bonding time had relieved me.

*Big yawn*

until my next post okay...

Good night everyone:-)

End of Sunday.

Friday, May 7, 2010

the beginning

The story begins when a man meet a woman.
They turned out to be a wonderful couple.
Just any other love stories, they fell in love, got engaged and be happily married.

That's not for long, they then have a child. It's a girl.
The child has brought many great changes in their lives.

She has colored their lives,
Change the routine of their lives,
..and her parents love her like no ones else,
They always pray for her to be the best instrument of God,
For her to be successful in her life and all her future undertakings.

The child felt so blessed and loved,
She thanked God for giving such a loving parents,
Whom loved her deeply, taught her about everything everyday.

Silently the child make a promised,
That she will be a good child for his parents,
She will fill the loneliness in their hearts,
She will obey them, love them and comfort them,
.. lots of promises, she hopes it will happen as promised!

and...why do you think the child is so attached to her parents' feeling?

...because the child is ME!

Err... HELLO from me :-)

I don't write, I don't read. I am still a baby.
Bloggers must be 13 years old and above right?
Hence, let my dad & mom be responsible for this blog until then.


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